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姓    名: 那仁格日乐

电    话:18686093426

邮    箱:naren88@hotmail.com



那仁格日乐,女,1976年5月生,硕士生导师,副教授。目前主要从事表面活性材料,金属配合物,稀土发光材料,离子液体,发光离子液体,金属陶瓷合金材料,纳米材料及高分子有机化合物材料等多种领域的研究工作。主持国家级基金项目1项,省级4项,校级2项。主持完成日本文部省基金2项,参与完成国家基金项目5项、省部级项目6项。学术论文50余篇,其中SCI及EI 收录20余篇。出版学术专著2部,参编教材3部。















1. 稀土配合物与发光离子液体的研制及其性能研究(项目编号:21663018),国家自然科学基金项目,2017.1-2020.12,主持。






[1] 那仁格日乐,独著《通过热与温度的分析理解分子集合》, 北京邮电大学出版社, 195千字, 2016.

[2] 那仁格日乐, 独著《新型氨基酸稀土配合物材料的研究》, 北京邮电大学出版社, 3000千字, 2018.

[3] 那仁格日乐, 花儿, 田晓. 辛酰丙氨酸镁(Ⅱ)、钙(Ⅱ)及锌(Ⅱ)配合物的溶解性及其聚集行为[J]. 精细化工, 2015, 32(7): 741-745.

[4] 那仁格日乐, 周炳卿, 田晓, 等. 辛酰丙氨酸铕和铽配合物的制备及其表征[J]. 稀土, 2016, 37(1): 27-33.

[5] 那仁格日乐, 欧志强,田晓, 等. 辛酰丙氨酸稀土 ( Y, La, Eu ) 配合物的稀土原子配位近邻结构的EXAFS研究[J]. 稀土, 2018, 39(3): 9-16.

[6] 那仁格日乐, 张晋康, 周炳卿. 酰基丙氨酸铕配合物荧光性能[J]. 内蒙古农业大学学报, 2018, (5), 84-89.

[7] Gerile Naren*, Alata H, Duan Ruxia, et al. X-ray Diffraction Analysis of Crystalline and Amorphous Rare earth (III) (Y, La, Eu) Complex[J]. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, 2016: 69-74.

[8] Gerile Naren*, Alata H, Tian Xiao, et al. Preparation and Characterization of Stable Molecular Glasses of Europium(III) Acyl-Alaninate complexes [J]. Solid State Phenomena, 2018, 271: 34-39.

[9] Naren Gerile*, Lihong Bao, Jinkang Zhang, Ying Zhang, Xiao Tian, Tana Bao, O Tegus. Effect of Moisture Content on the Diverse Structure State of the Octanoyl Alanine Metal(Mg, Ca) complexes[J]. Solid State Phenomena, 2019, 288: 1-8.

[10] Jinkang Zhang, Naren Gerile*, Ying Zhang, Alatan Bolag. Synthesis and luminescence properties of Rare Earth (Eu, Tb) Complexes of Octanoylphenylalanine[J]. Solid State Phenomena, 2020, 310: 22-28.

[11] Zhang Ying, Naren Gerile*, Zhang Jinkang, Bao Tana, O Tegus. Different polar groups on the Optical Absorption properties of the yttrium (III) Acylaminocarboxylates Complexes[J]. Solid State Phenomena, 2020, 310: 34-40.

[12] Jinkang Zhang, Naren Gerile*, Ying Zhang, Alatan Bolag. Synthesis and luminescence properties of Rare Earth (Eu, Tb) Complexes of Octanoylphenylalanine[J]. Solid State Phenomena, 2020, 310: 22-28.

[13] Zhang Ying, Naren Gerile*, Zhang Jinkang, Bao Tana, O Tegus. Different polar groups on the Optical Absorption properties of the yttrium (III) Acylaminocarboxylates Complexes[J]. Solid State Phenomena, 2020, 310: 34-40.

[14] Naren Gerile*, Ren TianYi , Bao LiHong, Chao LuoMeng, O Tegus. Preparation and optical absorption properties of ternary Rare Earth boride LaxPr1-xB6 submicron powders[J]. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2020, 20(8), 5064-5069.

[15] Naren Gerile*, Zhang Ying, Zhang Jinkang, Shi Yifeng, Bao Tana. Solubility and aggregation behavior of Environmentally Friendly acylaminocarboxylates yttrium (III) Complexes[J]. Journal Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology, 2020, 126(4): 5-6

[16] Gerile Naren*,Tana Bao, Jun Ning, O. Tegus. Optical properties and aggregation behavior of environmentally friendly Lanthanum (III) acyl-alaninnate complexes[J]. Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 2020, 13(6): 5864-5877.

[17] Zhang Ying, Naren Gerile*, Hua Er, Zhang Jinkang, Shi Yifeng. Structure, bonding and spectroscopic characterization of yttrium(III) Octanoyl - aminocarboxylates complexes: A DFT study [J]. Journal of Molecular Structure, 2021, 1224: 1-7.

[18] Gerile Naren*, Ying Zhang, Jinkang Zhang, Lihong Bao, O. Tegus. Environmentally friendly acylaminocarboxylates yttrium (III) complexes: synthesis, solubility and aggregation behavior [J]. Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 2020, 13: 8650-8661.

[19] Jinkang Zhang, Naren Gerile*, Jav Davaasambuu, Altan Bolag, Er Hua, Ying Zhang. Synthesis and Optical Performance of Terbium Complexes with Octanoyl Amino Acids[J]. Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 2021, 14: 1-11.

[20] Naren Gerile*, Ying Zhang, Yifeng Shi, Tana Bao, Bolag Altan, O Tegus.Solubility and aggregation behavior of octanoyl amino acids magnesium complexes [J]. Solid State Phenomena, 2021, 323, 87-99.

[21] Hua Er, Jiaxin, Naren Gerile*. Studies on amino acid type protic ionic liquid comprisin N-2-ethylehexylethy lenediaminium cation coupled with DL-hexanoylalaninate anion[J]. Journal of Solution Chemistry, 2021,(50): 941-953.

[22] 中国实用专利:一种牛油香皂制作用称量装置,已经授权,那仁格日乐,专利号:ZL 202020732037.4